Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Bee stripe...light area is 2 3/4" wide. A very Napoleonic Era feel. He was Emperor 1804-1815.
4 3/4" by 5 7/8" panel there are 12 different birds...2 each. Sold by panel. Click to see Cedar Waxwings. See AC115c for overall co ordinate. Also Robin with nest, N Cardinals (Male and Female), Nuthatch, Grosbeaks, Blue Bird, Blue Jay, Finchs,Chickadee and Warbler.
Panel coordinate Birds are approximately 2" square
Humming Bird..panel. 6 different birds each 8" square. Both selvedge edges have Morning Glories (pink and purple with green leaves). 3 3/8th" wide, black background.
Tiny butterflies..1" X 1 1/4" beauties
Bright Butterflies
Cedar Wax Wings in Evergreen boughs with blue berries
Cardinals...mostly males with a few female friends on open holly branches
Chickadee...on White Pine branch with pine cones.
Goldfinch...a snow covered fly thru feeder with assorted Goldfinches. Feeder is 5" tall, 7" wide.
Chickadee...with a touch of sparkle
Cardinal...with sparkle
Butterfly Meadow Panel...approximately 7 1/2" square. 15 different Butterflies and Moths
Fabrics - 1 yd minimum for each fabric