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The source of cotton reproduction fabric for costuming and quilting for time periods 1775 to 1960s, including the Civil War and Depression Eras. Consulting for costumers/historic homes. Custom sample sets available.

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About Us!

A love of history combined with a love of quilting led to the creation of - with more than 1,000 different cotton fabrics in authentic prints from 1775 through 1950.  We sell reproduction cotton fabrics.  Fabrics that were printed this year, but they look like they were printed in 1775 or 1810.

Our fabrics are used throughout the world to replicate and repair quilts or create a sense of era for living history museums. We have helped select fabrics used in television shows like "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman," and many movies like "Cold Mountain," about the Civil War starring Nicole Kidman.

We send out frequent updates on happenings at the store, promotions and of course wonderful fabric history!  

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105 E Fourth Street, Suite 205,   Northfield, MN 55057 USA
ph: 507-664-1447 Order-Line (within USA & Canada): 1-800-380-4611